Intelligent Electrical Design
DDTS's electrical engineers possess a deep understanding of industry standards and are proficient in operating engineering software for electrical design tasks. With extensive experience from numerous domestic and international engineering projects, they have honed their professional skills.
Gas-Phase Silica Project
Shanghai-PDS, CAD
This project involved the construction of a new production unit for the second phase of the project, along with the renovation of the first phase production unit and the waste gas and wastewater pretreatment units. The project utilized a dual power supply system, with two 20kV lines introduced from the substation to the plant substation.
DDTS Services: Using 2D design software, we created various documents such as power supply system diagrams, explosion hazard area division diagrams, electrical tray layout plans, power distribution plans, lighting system diagrams, lighting layout plans, lightning protection and grounding plans, control schematics, power load tables, and cable schedules. With 3D modeling software, we created models of electrical equipment and electrical trays within the 3D design system, allowing for direct model review and significantly improving design accuracy by identifying potential collisions. -
This project primarily focused on the design of a self-sufficient power plant, including a boiler plant, boiler substation, steam turbine generator room, demineralization water station, wastewater treatment, circulating water station, and coal conveying system. The thermal power plant consisted of two 160t/h high-temperature high-pressure circulating fluidized bed boilers co-firing blast furnace gas and two 25MW double-extraction air-cooled condensing steam turbine generator units. The thermal power plant met the heating requirements for the entire plant's production and heating system, as well as power generation needs.
DDTS Services: We completed the design of power generation, distribution, and power consumption for the boiler room, turbine room, boiler substation, generator outgoing room, coal conveying system, circulating water station, and off-site lines, including load calculations, substation setup, electrical control, lighting, explosion hazard area division, and lightning and static electricity protection measures. Additionally, we coordinated, communicated, and reviewed the electrical design for EPC projects such as the demineralization water station, wastewater treatment, and air-cooled system.
Coal Chemical Project
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